Friday, April 25, 2014

Dental Technician
Duties and Responsibilities:
A dental technologist is a member of the dental team who, upon prescription from a dental clinician, constructs custom made restorative and dental appliances. There are four disciplines within dental technology. These are fixed prosthesis including crowns, bridges and implants; removable prosthesis, including dentures and removable partial dentures; maxillofacial prosthesis, including ocular prosthesis and craniofacial prosthesis; and orthodontics and auxiliaries, including orthodontic appliances and mouth guards.
Salary: $36,000- $100,000
A candidate for certification must successfully complete three examinations, taken in any order, within a four-year period: a written comprehensive, a specialty practical, and a specialty written.
Recognized Graduates (RGs) have four years to take and substitute the RG examination for the comprehensive examination and pass the other exams (the written specialty and the practical exam) to become a CDT. After four years, the RG would need to take and pass all three examinations to achieve the CDT status.
The six specialties to choose from are:
·         complete dentures
·         partial dentures
·         crown and bridge
·         ceramics
·         orthodontics
·         implants

  I would like work in this field because you help people. 

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